Forum: The Impact of Compensation on Recovery

Canberra: IPAR hosted the latest breakfast forum exploring the impact of compensation on recovery at Hotel Realm in Canberra on Thursday, 7 September.

Over 100 customers including employers, insurance agents and representatives from government agencies listened to the expert panel share research and insights on why people with compensable injuries tend to experience poorer functional outcomes than those who sustain injuries that are not compensable.

Many thanks to speakers Dorothy Frost, Manager – Research and Innovation at Work Health Group, Dr Simone Ryan, Occupational Physician with mlcoa and Shehan Peiris from AP Psychology and Consulting Services. In addition to an overview of recent local and international research, the panel also explored practical solutions such as motivational interactions and client centricity to reduce the negative impact of compensation on recovery and return to work outcomes.

IPAR breakfast forum, Canberra

Dr Simone Ryan, Occupational Physician, mlcoa

Shehan Peiris, AP Psychology & Consulting Services.