
Supporting people to recover and return to health, wellbeing and work

IPAR provides a full suite of injury prevention, injury management and return to work services. These essential services are predominately delivered face-to-face, however we are also adept at providing these services via telehealth as and when appropriate and necessary.

Telehealth is simply delivering the same service via a different channel. We utilise phone and video conferencing instead of meeting in-person. No matter the method of service delivery, we remain focused on a positive outcome. The use of telecommunications is safe, secure, efficient and effective.

All you need to know about telehealth services

The following pages provide detailed information about our telehealth services, including what is available, easy instructions to prepare for a telehealth appointment and frequently asked questions. If there is further information that you require, please talk to your IPAR consultant who will be able to assist you.


We answer the questions most frequently asked by our clients and customers.

Learn more.