Host Placement leads to Employment

Here’s a great story of a combined Queensland team effort that has resulted in a successful outcome for worker, employer and insurer.

IPAR’s Queensland team has been assisting a professional, enthusiastic and young at heart 67 year old man with a background in workwear and uniform sales. He had sustained a frozen shoulder injury and was off work for 3-4 months to recover and while he didn’t have full capacity he was progressing well.

A consultant from our Brisbane team was able to find an ideal host placement at a small uniform and workwear company in Townsville, with duties that include customer service, cold calling, liaison with previous customers and placing / following up on orders. Our client brought lots of sales and customer service experience to the business. He was also raised in Townsville and has a particularly strong network of contacts which will be of significant benefit to the host business.

The host placement was such a success that the employer has now offered our client continued employment. The employer reports that he is a great and reliable face of the business and his experience is invaluable!